Saturday, January 24, 2015


The theater curtain has been opened
Pouring out are the vanguards of change
And the guardians of status quo ---
A bevy of coquettish beauties
Skilled in verbal foreplay
And shinning like a thousand fireflies

They carry idealized portraits of their principals
With pomp and pageantry
And beguile their simple-hearted audience
With gaseous oratory .
They flirt and flatter the delirious crowd
With sweet-sounding words
They inflame their emotions and defuse their tension
With rousing rhetoric that cloak their dark impulses
And hide their daredevil decadent past

Oh, this is a festive season
Season of tall tales
And scurrilous stories
Season of cherry-coloured lies
And inane innuedoes
Season of prophetic sinsong
And chorus of phony predictions
Season of stirring speeches
Encrusted with slapstick comedies
And sentimental platitudes  

Thursday, January 8, 2015


EFFUSIONS: SOON...THEY SHALL UNDERSTAND.: Mass ignorance. Mass delusion; Mass hoax. Mass confusion;   Mass hypes. Mass fakeries;   Mass flattery Who would slap this ...


Mass ignorance. Mass delusion;
Mass hoax. Mass confusion; 
Mass hypes. Mass fakeries; 
Mass flattery

Who would slap this man out of his megalomaniac stupor?
Who'd kick smugness out of his confused mercenaries, political hirelings and trained poodles?
Who would tell these obedient automatons of histrionic harangue
That their hemmed and helpless principal is fighting the battle of "appearance" ?
Who'd tell his network of allies that he'd be trounced again...
Trounced again, for his deliberate opacity and lack of forethought;
For failure to climb above religious fray and grasp the public psyche

But they are locked up in their own Bubble town, 
They are holed up in their own theatrical world, listening only to their prideful musings and linear internal monologues

Very soon the sentiment embers shall die down and delusion and ignorance shall recede into the far-end of oblivion
Then, lucidity shall prevail
And they shall understand.

Adedayo Fatoki