Saturday, September 24, 2011


Shh ....silent Nigerians! Close your eyes and rip the lid off  your cobwebbed creative faculty! Yes, let your imagination off its leash. Let it soar, soar like an Eagle in the sky. No! This is not a flight of fancy. And of course you are not spinning fantasies here!

Just imagine. Imagine a new Nigeria!

Refuse to dig up the past or rake over the ashes. Resist the temptation to dredge up unhappy memories or revisit old feelings. Don't think about the senseless orgy of violence that has taken up residence in the North or ponder over the ignoble business of kidnapping still going on in the South. Just close your eyes. Close your eyes and shut the door of your mind against the negative mainstream view of your country. Close your eyes and block your ears to the empty rhetoric and sophistries of your present-day leaders, whose emergence is a product of crude manipulations and systemic dysfunction; who are another failed expectations and extinguished hope.

Just close your eyes and imagine. Imagine a new Nigeria!

Imagine Nigeria blazing new trails and charting new frontiers in every sphere of human endeavor. Imagine a Nigeria where the outlaws and the moral Lilliputians will not dominate our political landscape. Imagine a Nigeria where our schools are hatcheries for Visionary and benevolent servant leaders and not hot-beds for the most hideous of crimes and the most horrendous transgressions.

Imagine! Imagine a country where Nigerians will sleep with their two eyes closed without having nervous pangs (or panic attack); a country where the Police is indeed your friend and not ally to godless money-hungry criminals. Imagine a country where the mass of the people are the centre-piece and focal point of Government's policies and spending; a country where corruption is no more the societal ethos and norm; where honesty and integrity become the pervasive culture.

Imagine a made in Nigeria cars in the U.S, in the gulf region and many parts of Europe. Imagine your country, Nigeria, in the G7!!!!

Imagine. Imagine a Nigeria where inaction and blame game would no longer hold sway; a country where her citizens would not bow to mere tokenism and blandishment of government officials; a country where we would no longer resign ourselves to fate in mute indifference and cold complacency. Imagine a Nigeria where everybody makes it a point of honour to grab the wheel and drive the change! 

Imagine. Just imagine a new NIGERIA!



  1. I like that and I can't wait to see the new nation emerging out of the doldrums of complacency and obvious rudderless, vision-less and headless leadership that we've been 'lucky' to have since this conflagration named Nigeria was called to be.

  2. Fantastic piece, creatively crafted and thought evoking. The potentials of this country can only be unleashed when we look at the big picture and think more of giving than getting, sharing than collecting, loving not hating, doing not talking. Keep it up bro, together yes we can!

  3. Seriously, with the stark reality of our present beggarly situation and with our nationhood in the melancholy of ruin (no thanks to BH and their allies), it is indeed very difficult to imagine a Nigeria with a great future.

